People First is Senda's Mantra

“People First” is Senda’s Mantra

Senda Team

“People first” is an idea that we frankly believe in and work hard every day to make real.  

Senda is a growing company that was started 11 years ago with clear initial brand-building goals: sharing our passion for futsal and small-sided soccer, bringing Fair Trade and premium performance to the category, and improving lives along the way.  

We believe that we can improve people’s lives in different ways:

  • Embracing Fair Trade, which means that we care about the workers who manufacture our products so they are paid fair wages, can have good working conditions, and can improve their lives and their work.  
  • Promoting futsal and small-sided soccer as a way of educating children and helping them be better human beings.  
  • Supporting donation programs for organizations in need of equipment. 
  • Listening to futsal players of all levels, from beginners to professionals, and paying attention to their requirements.

    That’s why we are in constant evolution and we further develop our products and services according to what our customers want and need. 

    We believe in the power of being a people-centric company that cares about the happiness of our team members. We know that if we care about our people, they will in turn care about our customers, and will deliver the level of service needed for our brand to build customer loyalty. 

    Senda disrupts the industry by being near people: from producers to customers, from team members to ambassadors and partners. We know that all of them are first, and come before anything else.

Join us in celebrating our 11ths anniversary!
Be part of the celebration by sharing your story with Senda using the hashtag #SendaEleven.

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