Senda Playa Beach Soccer Ball: What Makes This Ball Unique?

Senda Playa Beach Soccer Ball: What Makes This Ball Unique?

The Playa Beach Soccer ball has special padding for a barefoot touchThe Playa Beach Soccer ball has special padding for a barefoot touch

Our Playa Beach Soccer ball is perfect for your summer soccer days! We have players all over the world today who play Beach Soccer and use our Playa Beach Soccer Ball because they are looking for a ball that has a better touch while playing barefoot, and is made specifically for the sport. Even if you are quarantined inside, you can use this ball to practice barefoot in your backyard by yourself and even with your friends! Controlling the ball barefoot is harder than with cleats, so once you learn how to do that with practice, it will make your touches that much better when you are playing with shoes.

Some of the best soccer players in Brazil, from Ronaldinho to Ronaldo and Neymar, grew up playing beach soccer and futsal. They have credited both sports for helping them to develop their skills, and to always have a great a blast with their friends! As the summer starts, it's time for the U.S. to pick on this version of the beautiful game.

Our Beach Soccer balls are designed so they are soft and light and do not harm your feet while playing in the sand. They are specifically designed with a foam material with a type of polyester lining, this type of material helps decrease how the ball bounces but doesn’t change how it feels.

The balls 6-panel design minimizes the impact while playing barefoot.

Each panel in the ball is machine stitched for durability and has a reinforced bladder for extended air retention. All of our balls are Fairtrade certified, which ensures improved working conditions and fair wages for producers, and no child labor. 

Jen and Brian love the Playa Beach Soccer Ball because of grip and light cushion 

Jen and Brian, two of the top beach soccer players in Southern California, helped Senda to develop a beach ball with the ideal touch and weight for playing barefoot in the sand. The design is made of water-resistant padded panels that provide a soft and highly durable ball. This gives you the ability to control a better barefoot play while on the beach. 

Easler does a Bicycle Kick in Oceanside, CA home to the largest beach soccer tournament in San Diego

Brian Easler (@easlerbrian), the founder of Beach Soccer LA and United Beach Soccer federation says the Playa Beach Soccer Balls grip and weight are nice on the feet. “We are not allowed to wear any socks or shoes and having a ball with good grip helps us get under the ball and flick it in the air as it's essential to play the game,” Easler says that Beach soccer is one of the most challenging and rewarding sports he’s done, continually that it challenges your mental state because it’s easy to just give up on the sand.

Jen does a back kick with the Playa Beach Soccer Ball 

Jen Munoz (@jenmunoz1), a player for the Guatemala Women’s Nation Team and Beach Soccer Euro’s Winner cup in 2017 stated that Beach Soccer has a way of bringing a community of people together. People come from different countries and backgrounds, and everyone gets along. She continues that she loves using the Senda Beach Ball for soccer because the padding is right on the foot. “It’s very light and has a new kind of cushion material that feels great. When shooting the ball it’s a good hit and it’s not slippery so it will stick to your feet even with sand still on it.

Find the Playa on : Playa Beach Soccer Ball and Playa Beach Soccer Pack. 

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