Senda Team
We are very proud to present the winners of the first-ever FutsalFeed Best Team of 2020 Awards powered by Senda Athletics.
Almost 6,000 unique, open and inclusive votes resulted in the election of the best players of last year. The first edition of the awards was a total success. We are so glad to have been part of this inaugural and only in its kind event in the worldwide Futsal community.
We at Senda Athletics are very thankful for having been invited by FutsalFeed to participate in such a great project. And the winners are...
Thiago Mendes Rocha "Guitta": Best Goalkeeper 2020
Rodrigo Hardy Araújo: Best Defender 2020
Ricardo Filipe da Silva Braga "Ricardinho": Best Left Winger 2020
Sergio Lozano: Best Right Winger 2020
Carlos Vagner Gularte Filho "Ferrão": Best Pivot 2020
Ricardo Di Izeppe "Ricardinho": Best Coach 2020
As mentioned in our post of December 2020, we believe that by supporting this kind of initiatives we contribute to foster our beloved sport.
As all Futsal lovers know, this year our favorite sport is going to shine. Stay tuned to receive valuable information on the upcoming FIFA Fultsal World Cup in Lithuania.